Sunday, 18 December 2011


Apple of  Weeping Eyes.

Down beside the dark, deep water
          just beyond old Kavanagh's seat,
walks a mother's wayward daughter,
          heels clickity-clacking towards her beat.
Her last trick had only bought her
          enough to keep just this night sweet
and the respite, she had fought for
          would soon end with whom she'd meet.
For the dragon, that had caught her,
          while she chased its foil-run heat,
had inexorably brought her
          to this dappled, leaf-shade street
and the twisted mind that stalked her,
          stole the traces of her feet
'til the act  for which he'd sought her
          left her dying at his feet.

Just a girl, like any other;
          the apple of wet, weeping eyes.
bejewelled child to some poor mother,
          now left  wailing to the skies.
Her bright dreams had all been smothered
          under opiated highs,
gifts, at first, from  wasted lovers,
          with addictions ill-disguised.
But the pain that must have shoved her
          down this pathway, she despised,
we must not leave undiscovered,
          while we preach and moralise.
Her sad death has brought a shudder
          to so many cosy lives,
now my fears are for the others,
          prey to  after midnight knives.


Arrival Lines.

The singer's operetta style,
unfortunately grated,
so new converts to Renvyle,
(who'd previously been sated
by what filled each worthwhile mile),
felt dis-anticipated,
and climbed in single file
 .......towards slumber, fresh air weighted

© B.Hickey 1993

Ashram-Induced  Aloneness.

Alone,  in  a  king-like  way,
through  quartered  desert  stay,
uttering  middle-eastern  mountain  moans,
because of  flaccid  failing  telephones.

Until  a  silent scream  broke
the  perfect parqueted  calm.
Lithe writhing with  each  stylish  eyelash  stroke
lashing wild  tattoos  on  displayed   palms.

This  underpractised  preaching,
from  a  yashmak'd  netherworld 
is  like  a  sky-lark  feather  hurled
at armour-plated teachings.

(c) B. Hickey 1988

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